Sample Itineraries
2-night, 3-day sample itinerary around Aomori and Southern Hokkaido
2-night, 3-day sample itinerary around Iwate and Southern Hokkaido
2-night, 3-day sample itinerary around Akita and Southern Hokkaido
3-night, 4-day sample itinerary around Aomori, and Southern and Central Hokkaido.
A trip to get in touch with nature and local culture. -
3-night, 4-day sample itinerary around Southern Hokkaido, Aomori, and Iwate.
A trip with many sightseeing trains and other local trains. -
3-night, 4-day sample itinerary around Southern Hokkaido, Aomori, and Akita.
A trip to learn about the history and culture of southern Hokkaido and northern Tohoku.

오시마 반도는 홋카이도 남서부에 위치한 남북해도 지역입니다. 홋카이도 내에서 인기 있는 관광 지역 중 하나로 2016년 3월 홋카이도 신칸센 ‘신하코다테 호쿠토 역’이 개통되면서 더욱 접근이 좋아 졌습니다